It is super important to know if you are going to be using a bungee rebounder mainly for aerobic exercise or using mainly for lymphatic bouncing. Lymph drainage can be done in two ways. By contracting the muscles and pushing the lymph to the liver or by getting enough G force upon landing to open up the one way valves to pump the fluid that way.

Many people jump without enough G force and since they are not doing cardio and trying to do the Health Bounce, they never get the flush they are looking for so its really important to know what type of bouncing you are looking to do before picking out the right rebounder.

If someone gets the wrong tensile strength they will have to jump higher to get the same G force as jumping lower. If the mat is too big and the tension is wrong, you might notice people jumping with their feet wider apart and jumping on the edges. THIS IS ONLY COMPENSATION FOR NOT GETTING THE RIGHT MATCH. THIS IS JUMPING OUTSIDE THE SWEET SPOT OF THE REBOUNDER.

If people of different weights are going to be using the rebounder, I always prefer a larger mat, a 44 inch or preferably a 49 inch mat. This way, the lighter person can jump closer to the center sweet spot and the heavier person can jump more towards the outside to get a firmer bounce. But, if the family has only a 39 inch model, there is less range for a light person and heavier person.

If you have never tried a bungee and want to get the right tensile strength cord and mat size, I recommend trying any bungee rebounder and telling me 3 things: the size of the mat, the strength of cord, and how many bounces you got per minute with leaving the mat only 2 inches or less. Matching your weight with those answers I can try to figure out which mat size combined with which strength of cord to get. If you don't have someone in your area who has a bungee rebounder, you can take my bungee rebounder quiz and I can figure it out that way but trying one first is always the best.

​We have people in some cities that will let you meet them at a park to get me this information. Take my rebounder quiz and I will help you choose the right rebounder and if you give me your zip code I can try to see if there is someone in your area who is willing to let you try out theirs.

Remember, even if their mat size and cord strength is not right for you, I can still help pick out the right one based on your answers when you try it.

I am sick of people calling me and telling me they need new cords because the ones they have been using are the wrong ones. I take rebounding very seriously and someone needs to step in and help newbies who need this help when first being introduced to rebounding.

Take my rebounder quiz here.

Schedule a consultation with a rebounding expert here
Schedule a consultation with a rebounding expert here

Schedule a consultation with a rebounding expert here
Schedule a consultation with a rebounding expert here